High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive medical procedure that is increasingly being used in aesthetic medicine for skin tightening and facial rejuvenation. The procedure works by using high-frequency sound waves to heat the deeper layers of skin and cause collagen production, resulting in a more youthful and tightened appearance. It is sometime called the ‘Lunchtime Face Lift’ as the treatment is quick, very tolerable and has no downtime.
Avoid sun exposure post treatment. This helps to prevent hyperpigmentation and reduce the chance of sunburn and skin damage. The use of sunscreen is also encouraged, as this will help to prevent destructive ultraviolet light from the sun from directly touching the skin. This should be continued until the skin tightening process is completed.
Avoid too much Alcohol - just for a little while. This gives your liver excess work during the bodies natural healing process to targeted treated areas. Your liver is tasked with breaking down the deactivated fat caused from this treatment.
Don’t scratch your skin (treated area). Your skin may be very sensitive, and scratching it puts you at the risk of skin damage. Gentle skin cleansing is recommended post treatment as you may feel some deep tenderness.
Drink plenty of water post treatment. Water will also help in your recovery by increasing the rate at which collagen is produced in the body and flush out any toxins released during your treatment.
We recommend avoiding scorching hot baths and showers post treatment and instead aim for warm water on the treated areas.